Elementary Concept of Objects and Classes
Modeling entities and their behavior by objects, a class as a specification for objects and as an object factory, computation as message passing/function calls between objects (many examples should be done to illustrate this). Objects encapsulate state (attributes) and have behavior (functions). Class as a user defined type.
A class may be regarded as a blueprint to create objects. It may be viewed as a factory that produces similar objects. A class may also be considered as a new data type created by the user, that has its own functionality. All the four features of Object Oriented Programming should be defined and explained using real life examples. Analyze each object and show how each contains attributes and responds to certain messages or permits certain operations. Emphasize that an object is an instance of a class. A single object is just a bundle of values, one for each attribute in the class.
Values and Types
Tokens and its types, Primitive types, operations on primitive values, expressions, assignment (assignment is also an expression).
Introduce the primitive types and the range of values each represents. Discuss all the operations that can be done with primitive types namely mathematical, relational and logical. Discuss precedence and associativity of operators. Introduce the concept of type casting.
Introduce System.out.println and System.out.print, for simple output. Discuss different types of errors occurring during execution and compilation of the program (syntax errors, runtime errors and logical errors).
Conditionals and non-Nested Loops
Application of if else, if else if ladder, switch-case (default, break). Fixed number of iterations - the for loop. Unknown number of iterations - while loop, do-while loop. The conditional/ternary operator (? : ) should be introduced at this point. Loops are fundamental to computation and their need should be shown by examples. Examples: various number based problems: prime numbers, composite numbers, perfect numbers, Fibonacci numbers, etc.
Modeling entities and their behavior by objects, a class as a specification for objects and as an object factory, computation as message passing/function calls between objects (many examples should be done to illustrate this). Objects encapsulate state (attributes) and have behavior (functions). Class as a user defined type.
A class may be regarded as a blueprint to create objects. It may be viewed as a factory that produces similar objects. A class may also be considered as a new data type created by the user, that has its own functionality. All the four features of Object Oriented Programming should be defined and explained using real life examples. Analyze each object and show how each contains attributes and responds to certain messages or permits certain operations. Emphasize that an object is an instance of a class. A single object is just a bundle of values, one for each attribute in the class.
Values and Types
Tokens and its types, Primitive types, operations on primitive values, expressions, assignment (assignment is also an expression).
Introduce the primitive types and the range of values each represents. Discuss all the operations that can be done with primitive types namely mathematical, relational and logical. Discuss precedence and associativity of operators. Introduce the concept of type casting.
Introduce System.out.println and System.out.print, for simple output. Discuss different types of errors occurring during execution and compilation of the program (syntax errors, runtime errors and logical errors).
Conditionals and non-Nested Loops
Application of if else, if else if ladder, switch-case (default, break). Fixed number of iterations - the for loop. Unknown number of iterations - while loop, do-while loop. The conditional/ternary operator (? : ) should be introduced at this point. Loops are fundamental to computation and their need should be shown by examples. Examples: various number based problems: prime numbers, composite numbers, perfect numbers, Fibonacci numbers, etc.
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